
ErgoFinger® Live Webinar on the 10th of June 2022.

Join us to learn about the wearable tool ErgoFinger® HVE and how it can improve aerosol control while taking care of good working ergonomics on the 10th of June at 11 AM EST.
The webinar is for new and recurring customers who want to learn more about the usage of ErgoFinger®. The webinar also offers the possibility to ask questions through chat and Q&A.

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DODH article on the ErgoFinger®

Improve Your Ergonomics and Aerosol Control by Dimensions Of Dental Hygiene.

ErgoFinger® is key to safe, efficient, and comfortable high-volume evacuation.

Read on DODH

RDH Magazine article on the ErgoFinger®

ErgoFinger® Chairside Impact by RDH Magazine.

RDH Erin Haley-Hitz reviews ErgoFinger®, an innovating new HVE product that performs well without compromising ergonomics.

Read on RDH Magazine

research HVE ErgoFinger®

Study on the aerosol contamination at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, Finland.

Two Oral Hygienist students and two Biomedical Laboratory Scientist students evaluated aerosol control contamination when comparing the traditional HVE, LVE, and the ErgoFinger® HVE Tip. In the study, blood agar plates were placed strategically in the dental office to capture and grow the bacterial load.

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research HVE ErgoFinger®

Study on the effectiveness of ErgoFinger® on the patient disabled to improve the comfort of the professional oral hygiene session at Insubria University Varese, Italy.

A study was made on the ErgoFinger® HVE's effectiveness in the oral care of a disabled patient at Insubria University, Italy. The study involved 17 Dental Hygienist students and 115 patients, including 70 patients with various levels of mental disability and 45 patients with other physical or mental limitations.

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Dr. Joy Holmes CE Webinar

Free CE Webinar The Teeth are Talking: Dental Hygiene Trends You Need to Know About! on Apr 26, 2021.

This webinar is designed to expose dental hygienists to recent trends that may be instrumental in shaping practice philosophy, clinical guidelines, treatment protocols and sustainable solutions for career longevity. Sponsored by ErgoFinger®.

Learn more

research HVE ErgoFinger®

Study: Aspiration tips under the ergonomic comparison at the work of dental hygienist.

The study aimed to determine if the use of the ErgoFinger® HVE is more ergonomic than using a standard HVE. The comparison between the two HVE's was made with qualitative study methods at the Oral Hygiene Teaching Clinic of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland.

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DPR article on the ErgoFinger®

Dental Product Improves Aerosol Control and Ergonomics by DPR.

RDH Jennifer Clark reviews the ErgoFinger®.

Read on DPR